Wednesday, December 10, 2008


So I left for work this morning and I was delighted by the sight of snow? Yes snow, on the rooftops of every house in my neighborhood. Thanks to this, I was in such a jolly mood this morning. At least until I got to work and it was the same temperature inside the building as it was outside. Boo for that. I can say that was the only thing I can complain about for today. I talked to Robin while I was at work and she informed me that our neighbors had their tires slashed in their driveway last night. Come to find out this is been a common occurrence in our area lately...... to the tune of 19 other houses. WOW. I really think it takes a sick individual to commit such a callow crime during a time when most of the countries population is struggling enough already. For an average of $75 per tire, we are talking about an amount equalling a car payment. This angers me. Yes folks, I am angered. I realized that this is something that we do not need to worry about affording. I will not be a victim of this wickedness so I came straight home and cleaned out one half of the garage so we could both park our cars in it.

p.s. This is the longest post yet. Tune in tomorrow for some possible political reports. I might need to express my sincere dissent about these so-called "Bailouts" talking place...... or rather not taking place.


Sunday, December 7, 2008

less work. more play.

I was an amazing weekend. Friday night after I got off work we went to the annual Cedar Park Christmas tree lighting at the park down the street. It was really cold so we bundled up the kids and they looked like marshmallows. There were hundreds of people there and the tree was saturated with lights. There was a huge bonfire, carriage rides, and Santa made his grand entrance on the top of a fire truck. We decided to stroll down to It's A Grind to get some hot chocolate and then went home. Saturday we went Christmas shopping. Nothing better to get you in the "holiday spirit" than to be strolling through a crowded mall. Not. It was a gorgeous day outside so later that afternoon we went to the park with Taylor and Leah.... and Harper too. We went home and made hamburgers for everybody. Today we did a little shopping and then pretty much played outside for the rest of the day. See.........................................................

Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's Christmas time

I am still full from Thanksgiving. I mad the turkey and pecan pie and Robin and her mom Kay made everything else. I don't think I could live without my wonderful wife. She makes our family. It's going to be a good Christmas this year. Not because we are rich and can buy each other extravagant gifts, but because this is our kids second Christmas and I really think they will have a general idea of what's going on. We are really excited to take them to see Christmas lights and just do things as a family a lot more this year. I have a job with regular hours now and weekends off and I really want to take advantage of that time. We are going to be sending Christmas cards out soon with a family picture taken..... courtesy of Leah Muse. Here are a few of them we got yesterday:

...thanks Leah.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Finally, my website is up and running..... I am so glad I got the URL i wanted too. I will slowly be building on the galleries so keep looking for new pictures. This will my last week to be working at starbucks. I have worked there for 2 years and 9 months and I will be glad/sad to be leaving. There are a lot of coworkers and customers that I will miss greatly. My new job is right down the street though so i will definitely be stopping in to check up on everybody. I'm not sure I will miss coffee all that much though. I have been working on my business cards tonight and I think I finally a design I am actually excited about. I will post a picture of them as soon as I get them in. yipee.

Friday, November 7, 2008

All Hallow's Eve

This was Estlin and Olivia's second Halloween but last year they just put on costumes long enough for us to take a few pictures then they started crying. This year they actually enjoyed putting on their costumes. We all sat out in the front yard and handed out candy. We didn't want our kids to have any yet so they ate some pumpkin muffins instead. Leah came over from down the street and we all had a blast.... we missed you Taylor.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Almost here...

I am still waiting on my website to go live. It is officially finished but the tech people have to make the finishing touches on the site. I can't wait.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Chris & Erin

I shot this wedding yesterday. It was a beautiful day for a wedding and I spent the day with two easy-going funny people. It was a beautiful wedding. Thanks Chris and Erin.

This was my cupcake........ yum.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

So I have 3 weddings booked until the end of the year. Yay. Got my 24-70mm f/2.8 in today. I am so excited to see the pictures I took today of Estlin and Olivia. Maybe you will see them tomorrow. Smiles.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Under the Gun

I shot some promo pictures for this band that my friend is managing. The are super nice guys and I really had fun for my first band shoot. You can take a listen at

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Battle of the bands...

Unfortunately, Quiet Co. did not make it out victorious this year..... again. Seems as though it's something that wasn't meant to be. Soon though, they will see what IS meant to be for them and they will have success in their own right. Taylor, if you read this I love you. You are an amazing musician and friend and you deserve only success. It's late. night.

p.s. I took some pictures. Look for them soon.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I have decided to use some savings money to really promote myself. I will have my website up by the end of the year, new business cards, and ads in a few significant websites and magazines. Spend some to get some..... We just got back from my brothers wedding. Wow, what a weekend. I made the cake and took the pictures. I was happy to do it for him though. 


Sunday, September 7, 2008

82 degrees

It's 82 degrees outside and sunny with a slight breeze. This kind of weather always helps my attitude. I trust God. He will take care of my family. I want to give up the life I have to make room for the life God wants for me. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


It's late. I just got done watching 300. I have really been feeling anxious and restless. I need a change to come soon. I am really trying to make the right decisions regarding this new career path and there are aspects of my life that make it hard. I work at Starbucks...... open from 5:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. (11 on weekend)..... and if I want close to 40 hours I have to open the store and close in the same week. My sleep is........ i guess "lacking" is the word. I ask that anyone reading this would say a 10 second prayer for change. Maybe change in job, maybe a sudden flood of clients, maybe a random check for $100,000. I am venting..... complaining? I just love my family and I love to be with them. That is all.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


I really have been trying to get some photography work but it's hard. Putting ads on is, right now at least, the only thing I can do.... considering my monthly budget of $0.00. I am possibly going to have a real website within the next 2 months. I have someone that might sponsor me with just enough to get a legitimate site and my own domain. This would be a huge help when I give people a place to view my work. I think it says a lot if you have a real website. I have so many ideas also but it's hard to find people trusting enough to believe in these same ideas. 

xo jeremy

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I just got an internship with The Onion. I'm going to be taking pictures of restaurants in the Austin area. It all starts today. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

its business

I have actually had a few people inquire about doing engagement, bridal and wedding photos. I am excited that we are going to Nashvegas soon and I know i'm going to fill up my memory cards while i'm there. Here are the latest fotos (feedback is always welcome): 

xo jeremy

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

by myself

Robin and the babies went out of town for a week and i've been left alone with my thoughts. I went out to Lago Vista the other day around 7 to get some sunset pictures. It was nice to be alone and just sit and watch the sun completely disappear. It's not everyday that I get enough free time to do stuff like this.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Product practice

so i started getting serious about my product photography finally. this is my first batch that i really tried on. feedback is very welcome.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

i shot my first wedding

it was a great experience despite the harsh sun. it was definitely challenging shooting my first wedding in direct heat with extreme differences in the sunlight and shade. i think i did ok though. any feedback is appreciated.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


new toys.....

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I just got in my new lens, flash, light stand, tripod, and shoot through umbrella. pumped is the word. i should be getting my pocket wizards in tomorrow. 

Monday, May 5, 2008


The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it. Here it begins.